Jane Chua Remedial Massage and Kinesiology West Ryde

Jane’s ABN: 41 194 518 177
MyPhysio West Ryde
t:     (02)9808 5948

Special Offers

10% off Initial Massage and Initial Kinesiology session.

What is Kinesiology?

Holistic kinesiology is a simple yet extremely effective Natural Health Modality. It aims to balance the whole person: physically, emotionally and energetically,  to improve health, wellbeing and vitality.

What is Massage?

Remedial Massage looks at what the client is presenting, and aims to alleviate the pain, discomfort or stress that the person is experiencing.



Holistic kinesiology is a simple yet extremely effective Natural Health Modality. It aims to balance the whole person: physically, emotionally, bio-chemically and energetically,  to improve health, wellbeing and vitality.

Through gentle muscle monitoring, the practitioner is able to identify the patterns of stress at the core of the issue and use the most effective methods of clearing them, getting to the main issue instead of just treating the symptoms. This means that results will be long lasting, even permanent, not just short term band-aid measures.

Holistic kinesiology combines the use of many different techniques to help the client reach their goal, and improve the presenting issues. It has been known to help people with a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, stress and emotional matters. Techniques used can include Traditional Chinese Medicinal Principles, flower essences, homeopathy, Neuro-Lymphatic points, Neuro-Vascular points, and reflexology just to name a few. Each session will use different techniques depending on what the individual is experiencing at the time, not one balance is the same.


30 min: $60
45 min: $75
1 hour: $90

From the 1st of July 2024
30 min: $65
45 min: $80
1 hour: $95

Sugar Detox

Sometimes with Kinesiology I’ll recommend that you go find a nutritionist or naturopath to help you find which specific types of supplements or nutrients you may need in your diet to help you with your goal or issue. But that’s not the only thing a nutritionist is good for.

Lisa Snowdon is a nutritionist who has different programs that can help you feel better in life just by making simple changes in your eating habits. Below is just one of the programs that she’s running, you can actually do it online if you don’t have the time to go into a clinic due to your busy lives. Go to the link at the bottom to have a look if the sugar detox is right for you.

“Our most popular program that kick starts your journey towards better health and nutrition. Processed sugar is one of the great evils of modern day diets. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to a long list of debilitating and often life threatening conditions. But breaking the sugar addiction is not necessarily easy.

Our sugar detox program is a great way to let your body start the healing process, shed weight (it is not uncommon for people to lose between 3 and 6 kilograms in two weeks), cleanse your system, and start feeling great.”

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